Wednesday, October 24, 2018 Digital Marketing and More Customer Spotlight: HippieChick Noms

Thank you, HippieChick Noms, for the opportunity to design your logo and booth banner. What a fun client to work with and what AWESOME natural, whole food, plant-based granola. Yum! They also offer other homemade, healthy, and delicious food items and are available for catering as well. Check them out on Facebook. 

As many of you know I design and sell custom t-shirts and apparel and have a Facebook page JKS Designs (if you haven't checked it out yet, be sure to and like my page...and of course sharing is always appreciated). Did you know I also have over 25 years in the graphic/print/web design and digital marketing business and offer a wide range of marketing services? I am available on a project-by-project basis and also on a part-time and/or contract basis on site or remotely should your company have marketing needs but you don't need a full-time staff member. Consulting services also available.

I'd love to help you with your next project no matter how big or small! Visit my new website,, to learn more about me and what services I offer. 

HippieChickNoms Logo and Banner Design from

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Every mile a memory: Rick's Last High School XC Meet 10.22.18

And THAT, my friends, is how you finish your senior high school cross country (XC) career. I laughed, I cried, I screamed, I jumped up and down, I hugged.

I have to admit this has been a very bittersweet season. Awesome and amazing because Rick has done so well but sad because I know this will be our last time as XC parents and it has been such a FUN four years that went by WAY too quickly and I am really, really going to miss this.

Yesterday's XC meet, the Rotem Invitational, was Rick's last high school XC meet held on our school's home course at Garfield Park. Every other sport at Mentor High School has a senior recognition night where seniors and parents are recognized on the field and but our last meet has always been elsewhere so there was never one for the XC runners. Since Rick's coach decided to hold the last race of the season at "home," the parent's club thought it would be nice to have a senior night with a pot luck afterward. Oh gosh, if I didn't need even MORE reason to get teary-eyed. LOL.

So how do you finish you ask? With a lifetime PR of 17:17 and winning your last XC race on your home course…not just winning on your team but winning the whole dang race and placing 1/113 runners and leading your team on to a first place victory! There couldn’t have been a more fantastic finish if we planned it.

There are no words to express how absolutely incredible it was when my Rick-star appeared out of the woods leading the pack the last 2.5 miles of the race to the finish. My kid…the one who joined the team because we really didn’t give him a choice four years ago found something in himself and became a true running rock star. Of course, he could have been dead last and I would have still been just as proud but dang…I will never forget these moments watching him shine for as long as I live. Thank you Aunt Nadine and Grandma Carolyn for being there to cheer him on for this most fantastic finish.

#thanksforthememories #lusciouslocks #everymileamemory #belegendary #proudxcmom #proudmamabear #onceacard

Rick before his first race, time trials freshman year, and after his last race, Rotem. You've come a long way, buddy! 

Rick's award (shirt), bib, jersey, and since it was also Senior Recognition Night, I received a flower.

For all the pictures and videos taken, visit the team photo album here.

Click below to see the videos of:
Rick run at that beginning of the race
The first pass
The second pass
The third pass where he came out of the woods leading the pack with no one behind (mentioned above)
And the finish of all finishes!

On a side note, if you watch as he runs past me, there is an orb. I'd like to think that was my dad, Papa D, letting us know he was there too. He was always at all of the grand children's sporting events and sadly he never got to see Rick run...this is the not the first time I've seen an orb and it always makes me smile when I see one.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

IRun4Jacob: How one boy and his family changed my races...and my life

Have you ever wondered why I sharpie IRun4 Jacob or wear a make-shift sign on by back when I do a race? It's because of this guy. I'd like to introduce you to my buddy, Jacob (left) and his twin brother, Joe. August 31 was a big day for them...that is the day they turned 5! 

What is IRun4 you ask? It's a non-profit organization where athletes of all levels and kinds – runners, walkers, yogis, triathletes, etc. – are paired with children and adults with physical, mental, and developmental special-needs. I first learned about the program in 2016 from one of my Ragnar teammates and she mentioned she sent all of her race medals to her buddy. I thought how cool, I could send my buddy all the race shirts I never wear to someone who would. After waiting for over a year and half to be matched up, I received the news last November right before the Nike Cross Regionals race that I finally had a buddy from Arkansas and that day my life was forever changed. Nike was my first race as his buddy and he has been "with" me ever since. He and his twin brother, Joe, were born at 29 weeks old. While Joe is in perfect health now, Jacob has a host of medial issues. He has an immune system disorder called hypogammaglobulinemia and then low to no antibody response to vaccines, which are two very rare diseases in pediatrics. He also has chronic lung disease and cerebral palsy. Every day is a challenge, especially during cold and flu season because so many people are sick making it difficult for them to even leave the house. His mom, Rebecca, and I have become dear friends and even though we've never met in person, we talk daily and have become the best of friends. 

Jacob has become more than just someone I run for, he and his family are now my family too. So today I would like to wish a very happy birthday to a boy (and his brother) who inspires me every single day. Jacob, you and your family are blessings in my life and I thank God every day for you. Happy 5th birthday's boys and God's blessings for many, many more. xoxoxo

Happy 5th birthday, boys. Love and hugs from the North Coast! 

Sweet Jacob wearing my shirt from the Nike Cross Regionals race.

Nike Cross Regionals with Rick's XC first of many races as Jacob's buddy.
Sharpie credit: Paul Cimino.  He has gotten so good with the sharpie he can have it done in less than a minute.

My makeshift sign when the weather is too cold and I can't be sharpied.

The Run for Someone is a different program but
I got a medal to send to Jacob because I run for him.

Lots of race shirts for Jacob. These are just a few of many.
When my son Rick does a race too, he gets a shirt to give to Joe.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Officer Mazany Blue Ribbon 5K 9.23.18: Here's to You West Geauga Class of '88

Hmmmm, perhaps partying all weekend with people you grew up with IS the key to a great race after all. The inaugural Officer Mathew Mazany Blue Ribbon 5K benefited the family of Office Mazany, a Mentor police officer who was killed by a hit-skip driver on Route 2 during a traffic stop this summer. I wanted to do it because it was for a good cause and the race was right up the street from where I live but hesitated signing up because of my class reunion. Even this morning I considered bailing…after all, I supported the race with my entry fee so did I REALLY need to go? Well I’m glad I did. It must have been the "power of 88" because not only did I NOT hurl at all, but I managed to pull of an AG award. But not only that, ran my fastest 5K of the year AND was only 30 seconds from a lifetime PR. What the???!! Here I was just hoping to not throw up! LOL But get this….what song from my playlist came on during my last mile shortly before the finish but Kick Start My Heart from Motley Crue…. Coincidence? I think not. Perhaps a certain "DJ" was playing "DJ". I smiled, thought to myself "this one's for you, Class of 88" and seemingly out of no where, found there was a little left in the tank for a decent finish so I picked up the pace. When I rounded the corner to the finish and saw the clock just changed to 24:00, I couldn't believe it and out of no where once again, had a little more left to kick it up one more notch. LOL So thank you, class of 88 for an absolutely incredible weekend and getting me to that finish line this morning.

What's more important than my victory though is the reason behind the race; a community coming together and showing support for a fallen hometown hero. That means more than any award or finish line result. Together we raised over $6000 for his family and before the awards, they called Officer Mazany's brother and put him over the loud speaker to address the crowd. You could hear in his voice how touched he was and after losing my own brother in a tragic way, I know how it feels to have the support of complete strangers so I am glad I was there to be a part of it.

2/31 AG
12/139 Females
33/243 OA

7:51, 8:16, 8:04

I even had Paul Sharpie "88 is Great" next to my
IRun4Jacob "tattoo" for good luck.

Of course wearing on of my very own custom-designed  JKS Designs tank tops! 

Race awards and another shirt to send to Jacob! Yay!