t's funny how after months of trying to figure out how to incorporate the amazing and completely unexpected gift of the Just Keep Swimming logo my childhood friend surprised me with this summer into my shirt to wear for my race-aversary, the Race for the Place 5K benefitting The Gathering Place on National Cancer Survivors Day, and having a mental block how I could make it happen, it just suddenly all comes together….and the timing couldn't be any more perfect. I will be running this year's race in honor of my Uncle Jr. (Walter Whitcomb), Coach Craig Nieset), and in memory of Constantin (Shannon), and Donna. Yesterday I added another special person to run in honor of, my Ragnar and "Perfect Stranger" team mate, Rachel, who recently learned she will be fighting the fight once again. The color blue has several meanings and was chosen because of each of them and because of them I will make it to the finish line.
To join my team, make a donation, or to simply learn more about why this race means so much to me, visit
#itsallaboutthe5s #celebratelife #racefortheplace #thegatheringplace#cancer #cancersurvivor #justkeepswimmingandrunning #celebratetgp20#NCSD2019 #IRun4Jacob #chicagoragnar2016perfectstrangers
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