Thursday, April 26, 2018

Donation for a Good Cause: This Town is My Town Cleveland Gift Basket

I have been an adult volunteer for a youth organization called the Greater Lake County Young Marines for about 13 years. I started with the group shortly after my oldest son joined and my husband, a USMC veteran, decided to volunteer as a staff member. My son has long since left the unit and my husband stepped down from his role as XO a few years ago, and I stepped down as unit paymaster when my husband left the unit but I'm still involved as support staff and I also maintain the unit's website, unit communications, and social media presence. 

Every year our unit has a spaghetti dinner fundraiser which is coming up this weekend so I decided to donate a "This Town is My Town Cleveland" basket for the Chinese Auction on behalf of JKS Designs. I was excited when a few of my shirts arrived yesterday and I can't wait to put the rest of the basket together. I will post pictures with the "finished product" once it's complete. What do you think? I would love to hear your comments!

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