Friday, April 14, 2017

Missing Papa D: Two Years Later 4.14.17

I'm everything I am because you loved me
I always loved the month of April.

April meant April Fool's Day when we as kids would play silly but memorable tricks on our parents and each other; it meant spring flowers, longer days of sunlight, the beginning of flip flop weather (although let's be honest, I had them on as early as the first day of Spring if not before); it meant the start of a warming trend that would eventually lead to summer… and camping…and the beach. Sure, Mother Nature has been known to throw a blizzard or two our way during this time of year but it has always been a little more tolerable knowing it would be short-lived because better days were coming. Two years ago today, however, April became bittersweet. 

It was the beginning of April I would watch cancer steal my dear father, affectionately known as Papa D, away from me faster than a freight train and no matter how hard I begged, pleaded, or prayed, the train didn't stop. At 1:53 p.m. two years ago today, I would watch him take his last breath here on Earth and join my brother in Glory. The month of April would never be the same. Heck, my life would never be the same. 

It makes me sad my dad hasn't had the fun of watching Rick run like a rock star at cross country meets and I know he would be at every single one because that's just what Papa D did, or see Kelly get married and have the pleasure of not only knowing his beautiful wife, Jaime (and girl, he would ADORE you!!), but holding his great-grandson who is due to bless us with his presence any day. Gosh, dad, I hope God allows you to see us down here… I know you would be so proud!!

What a blessing it is to say I had the most amazing man for 45 years of my life to call my dad and even though I am 47 now and have lived the past two years without him and will live the rest of my days the same, I know he is with me always and I am thankful this life is not the end because I know I will see him one day.

Until we meet again, Papa D….

Papa D, my brother, and me at my cousin's wedding in 1995.

My sisters, Papa D, and I. Our last Christmas Eve together 2014.

One of the last times I would get to hold my dad's hand.

In honor of my dad's second angel anniversary, I finally finished this post and wanted to share it. Better late than never: "For I know the plans I have for you"...the unexpected tattoo trilogy is complete 

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